Sabtu, Mei 07, 2011

Narrative Text

A narrative text is a text tells a story and, in doing so, entertains the audience. The purpose of a narrative text, other than providing entertainment, can be to make the audience think about an issue, teach them a lesson, or excite their emotions.
A. Constructing a narrative
     The steps for constructing a narrative teaxt are:

  • an orientation in which the narrator tells the audience about who is in the story, when the story is taking place and where the action is happening.
  • a complication that sets off a chain of events that influences what will happen in the storry.
  • a sequence of events where the characters react to the complication
  • a resolution in which the charaters solve the problem created in the complication
  • a coda that provides a comment ormoral based on what has been learned from the story (an optional step)
B. Gramatical features of a narrative
     Narratives usually include the following gramatical features:
  • nouns that isentify the specific characters and places in the story
  • adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of the characters and settings
  • verb that show the actions that occur in the story
  • time words that connect events, telling when they occured


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